
时 间:2024年4月17日(周三)上午9:00

地 点:安博·(anbo)官方网站,医学部八号楼裕璧报告厅

主讲人:王建安 中国科学院院士

题 目:从医学生到医学科学家


王建安教授,中国科学院院士、第十四届全国政协委员,现任经血管植入器械全国重点实验室主任、浙江大学心血管病研究所所长,浙江大学附属第二医院心脏中心主任;国家重大科学研究计划首席科学家(973)、重大专项、重点研发计划等项目负责人;围绕心力衰竭后心脏功能重建的重大科学问题,尤其是心脏瓣膜和冠心病及相应心肌损伤与修复,取得了从基础到临床的系列创新性成果;担任美国心脏病学会杂志亚洲刊(JACC: Asia)首任主编、全国统编教材《内科学》共同主编,以通讯作者在NEJM、Cell Research、Circulation、JACC等发表论著200余篇,以第一完成人获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖、省部重大贡献和一等奖多项,获何梁何利奖、谈家桢临床医学奖、吴阶平科技进步奖及白求恩奖章等。

Brief Introduction of Professor Wang Jian'an

A renowned cardiologist, Dr. Wang Jian'an holds several positions: Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Key Laboratory of Transvascular Implantable Devices, Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), inaugural editor-in-chief of JACC: Asia, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Zhejiang University, and the Director of the Heart Center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. In addition, Dr. Wang is the chief editor of the national textbook "Internal Medicine", principal investigator for a variety of significant projects, including major national scientific research projects (973), major special projects, key research and development plans, national natural key projects and key international cooperation projects. As a corresponding author or first author, Dr. Wang has published over 150 papers in prestigious journals like NEJM, Circulation, JACC, Science Translational Medicine, Circulation Research, PNAS, and Advance Science. Many accolades have been bestowed upon Dr. Wang as a result of his efforts, including the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award as the first person to complete, the first prize of the provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, the Major Contribution Award, the Outstanding Innovative Talent Award, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Award, the Tan Jiazhen Clinical Medicine Award, Wu Jieping Science and Technology Progress Award, and the 2012 Bethune Medal. Among these, he presided the multinational multicenter FLAVOR studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and listed as one of the top ten advances in cardiovascular intervention in the world by the European Society of Cardiology.



发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2024-04-16