
时 间:2024年4月12日(周五)下午14:30

地 点:安博·(anbo)官方网站,樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:段慧玲 中国科学院院士

题 目:界面力学:基础科学与工程技术之间的桥梁




段慧玲,北京大学博雅讲席教授、中国科学院院士,北京大学工学院院长。主要研究方向为界面力学、流固耦合力学。获国家自然科学奖二等奖、全国创新争先奖、中国青年科技奖、中国青年女科学家奖、全国三八红旗手、德国洪堡研究奖等奖励。任国际理论与应用力学联盟(IUTAM)固体力学委员会委员、国际工学院院长联合委员会执行委员、固体力学顶尖期刊JMPS编委,入选ASME Fellow。

Brief Introduction of Professor Duan Huiling

Dr. Duan Huiling is a Bo Ya Chair Professor at Peking University, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Dean of the School of Engineering at Peking University. Her main research interests lie in interface mechanics and fluid-structure interaction mechanics. She has been awarded the National Natural Science Award of China (Second Prize), the National Innovation Award, the China Youth Science and Technology Award, the China Young Women Scientist Award, the Award for the March 8 Red-Banner Holders, the Humboldt Research Award in Germany, and other awards. She serves as a member of the Solid Mechanics Committee of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), an executive member of Global Engineering Deans Council, and an editorial board member of the journal JMPS in solid mechanics. She has also been elected as an ASME Fellow.



邀请人: 刘泽

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2024-04-07