
时 间:2024年3月11日(周一)上午10:00

地 点:安博·(anbo)官方网站,樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:Janusz Pawliszyn 加拿大皇家科学院院士

题 目:Advance in solid-phase microextraction for green analytical chemistry



Janusz Pawliszyn,加拿大滑铁卢大学教授,国际著名分析化学家,加拿大皇家科学院院士,加拿大科学与工程院首席科学家。固相微萃取技术(SPME)和毛细管等电聚焦全柱成像技术(icIEF)发明人。Pawliszyn教授发明的SPME技术已经成为多个领域的标准样品分析方法;icIEF技术是多个国家抗体异构体分析的标准方法。

Janusz Pawliszyn教授现任Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Green Analytical Chemistry主编,曾任Analytica Chimica Acta主编,Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis,Journal of Separation Science副主编。在分析化学顶级刊物Analytical Chemistry发表论文超过160篇,H-index指数131,总引用超过79000次,是全球分析化学引用数最高的科学家之一。曾获加拿大化学会最高奖CIC Medal(2023),美国化学会奖ACS Award(2010/2018),Manning Principal 发明奖(2008),Marcel Golay奖(2010),PittCon Dal Nogare 奖(2011),E.W.R. Steacie 奖(2012), CIC 环境研究与发展奖(2013),匹兹堡分析化学成就奖(2017),Eastern Analytical Symposium 奖(2017),A.J.P Martin奖(2023)以及IUPAC 分析化学奖(2023)等奖项。

Brief Introduction of Professor Janusz Pawliszyn

Janusz Pawliszyn, professor in University of Waterloo, Canada Research Chair and Canada Industrial Research Chair. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Canada and Chemical Institute of Canada. He is one of the top analytical scientists in the world, as the inventor of solid-phase microextraction and imaging capillary isoelectric focusing. Both two techniques have been successfully commercialized and adopt in various research and industry fields. He is the chief editor of Trends in Analytical Chemistry and Green Analytical Chemistry, and was the editor of Analytica Chimica Acta, associate editor of Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Journal of Separation Science. He is one of the highest cited analytical chemists in the world with H-index of 131 and more than 79000 citations. He has published more than 160 papers in Analytical Chemistry. He received CIC medal in 2023, the highest award from Canadian Chemistry Society, 2010 and 2018 American Chemical Society ACS Award, 2013 CIC Environmental Research and development Award, 2013 CIC LeSueur Memorial Award, 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Analytical Chemistry Award, 2017 Eastern Analytical Symposium Award, 2023 A.J.P Martin, 2023 IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Medal and many other awards.




发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2024-03-07