
时 间:2023年11月10日(周五)15:30

地 点:安博·(anbo)官方网站,星湖综合实验楼305

主讲人:Paul A. Longley 英国社会科学院院士

题 目:Digital Twins and Demography 数字孪生与人口学

摘要:A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect the form and functioning of a physical object. Attempts to extend the concept to replicate cities are limited by the use of aggregated data to represent the elemental human agents that live, work and take leisure in them. In this presentation we: (a) develop data driven approaches to model the gender, age and ethnic characteristics of individuals using unique consumer data sources; (b) reconcile these individual level predictions with social surveys and remotely-sensed data; and (c) assess the implications for geodemographic forecasting of social and economic change.

We also propose micro-scale demographic models to simulate the characteristics of individuals that are known to be missing from our representations. The resulting digital twins will be used to investigate issues such as residential segregation, residential mobility and the kaleidoscope of social change that characterises urban social areas.

Paul A. Longley教授,英国社会科学院院士, 英国皇家地理学会维多利亚奖章获得者,英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)地理系教授,英国消费者大数据研究中心(CDRC)主任,以及国内外多所世界知名高校访问教授。长期致力于地理信息系统科学的社会经济应用、地理时空人口统计、家谱时空分析、城市建模和空间大数据等方面的研究。目前在Nature Communications、美国地理学会年刊和英国地理学会会刊等国际权威期刊上发表了170余篇经同行评审的学术论文,贡献了79篇书籍章节,并撰写了3本学术专著。其中专著Geographic Information Science and Systems多次再版且被翻译为中文、韩文等版本,成为地理信息科学领域经典书籍和教材。曾担任领域内高水平国际期刊Computers, Environment and Urban Systems和Environment and Planning B的主编,以及多个知名国际期刊的编委。

Professor Paul A. Longley is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK), recipient of the Victoria Medal from the Royal Geographical Society, and a Professor of Geographic Information Science at University College London (UCL). He serves as the Director of the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) in the United Kingdom . He has also held visiting professorships at numerous renowned universities worldwide.Throughout his career, Professor Longley has dedicated his research to various aspects of geographic information science, including socioeconomic applications, spatiotemporal population statistics, genealogical spatiotemporal analysis, urban modeling, and spatial big data. He has authored over 170 peer-reviewed academic papers published in prestigious international journals such as Nature Communications, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, and Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.His contributions extend to 79 book chapters and three academic monographs, with the English textbook "Geographic Information Science and Systems" being repeatedly reprinted and having been sold over 120,000 copies. It has also been translated into multiple languages, including Chinese and Korean, making it a classic in the field of geographic information science.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2023-11-09